Martin Wendt |
e-mail : mwendt(at) (please replace '(at)' with the proper '@')
EAS member since 05.08.2010
AG member since 11.07.2011
IAU member since 06.09.2012
Lebenslauf/curriculum vitae: cv.pdf
Gewählte Postdoc-Vertretung der Potsdam Graduate School (PoGS), 2014, 2015
Gewählter Vertreter des wissenschaftlichen Mittelbaus im Institutsrat, 2014+2015, 2016+2017, 2018+2019, 2020+2021, 2022+2023, 2024+2025
Mitglied der Komission fuer Gleichstellung und Frauenfoerderung
Mitglied der Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs
Absolvierte Weiterbildungen der Potsdam Graduate School (PoGS):
Zertifikat (PDF) WissenschaftsManagement 2017/2018,
Zertifikat (PDF) der Senior Teaching Professionals 2013/2014,
(STP 2013)
EdX certificate LFD110x: Introduction to RISC-V
EdX certificate LFD111x: Building a RISC-V CPU Core
Since 2011, I am also part of the
MUSE consortium in close collaberation with the Leibniz-Institut Potsdam.
27.09.2024 'Schwarze Loecher und Galaxien' im Rahmen der Kinder-Uni Potsdam
01.09.2024 'Lyman Limit System with O VI in the Circumgalactic Environment of a Pair of Galaxies' (ApJ)
01.07.2024 'The blue multiunit spectroscopic explorer (BlueMUSE) on the VLT: end-to-end simulator BlueSi' (SPIE)
01.07.2024 'The Blue Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (BlueMUSE) on the VLT: science drivers and overview of instrument design' (SPIE)
12.04.2024 Talk, 'Programmeriung und Entwicklung - damals und heute' (Hochschule Heidelberg)
04.04.2024 'MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) XI. Scaling relations between outflows and host galaxy properties' (A&A)
08.03.2024 'The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) Science White Paper' (arXiv)
08.12.2023 'Bipolar Outflows out to 10~kpc for Massive Galaxies at Redshift z~1' (Nature)
04.12.2023 'MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) X. The cool gas and covering fraction of Mg II in galaxy groups' (MNRAS)
17.07.2023 Talk, 'A study of the surrounding gas around galaxies using background quasars' Outflows2023 - Feedback & Baryon cycle, Melbourne
05.07.2023 Vortrag, 'Atmosphaere und Weltall', Grundschule am Jungfernsee
06.05.2023 Vortrag, 'Eine Reise durch das Universum', Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften 2023
01.04.2023 'Chemical diversity of gas in distant galaxies.' (A&A)
25.01.2023 'MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) IX. The impact of gas flows on the relations between the mass, star formation rate and metallicity of galaxies' (preprint)
12.12.2022 Talk, 'Admission challenges and culture issues for Uni Potsdam Astro-Master Program' Equity & Inclusion Journal Club
01.12.2022 Talk, 'BlueSi - BlueMUSE science data cube simulation' at the BlueMUSE gate A0 meeting
15.11.2022 'The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field surveys: Data release II' (preprint)
11.10.2022 Vortrag, 'Weltall, Raumfahrt, Astronomie' im St. Franziskus Seniorenpflegeheim
29.09.2022 Vortrag, 'Sonne, Licht und Energie' an der Grundschule am Jungfernsee
23.09.2022 'Schwarze Loecher und Galaxien - Wo sind all die Sterne?' im Rahmen der Kinder-Uni Potsdam
13.09.2022 'The BlueMUSE data reduction pipeline: lessons learned from MUSE and first design choices' (arXiv) (SPIE)
01.04.2022 'The Bimodal Absorption System Imaging Campaign (BASIC) I. A Dual Population of Low-metallicity Absorbers at z<1' (preprint)
22.09.2021 Vortrag im Seniorenpflegeheim: 'Exoplaneten und ihre Entdeckung'
28.05.2021 'MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) VIII. Discovery of a MgII emission halo probed by a quasar sightline' (preprint)
11.05.2021 'MUSEQuBES: Characterizing the circumgalactic medium of redshift ≈3.3 Lyα emitters (preprint)
07.02.2021 talk, KITP conference: 'The dust/metallicity-anisotropy of the CGM' (video recording)
02.02.2021 'On the relation between Lya absorbers and local galaxy filaments' (preprint)
01.02.2021 'Mapping the youngest and most massive stars in the Tarantula nebula with MUSE-NFM' (preprint)
09.12.2020 'MusE GAs Flow and Wind (MEGAFLOW) VI. A study of CIV and MgII absorbing gas surrounding [OII] emitting galaxies' (preprint)
10.11.2020 talk, BlueMUSE science workshop: 'Tomography of the ISM and CGM with BlueMUSE'
29.10.2020 talk, The Rise of Metals and Dust conference: 'The dust/metallicity-anisotropy of the Circum-Galactic Medium'
25.09.2020 Digitale Kinder-Uni: 'Von der Erde bis ins Weltall' (link) (YouTube)
21.09.2020 'MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) V: The dust/metallicity-anisotropy of the Circum-Galactic Medium' (preprint)
01.05.2020 'MUSEQuBES: Calibrating the redshifts of Lyman-alpha emitters using stacked circumgalactic medium absorption profiles ' (MNRAS)
20.04.2020 Lehrbuch, DeGruyter Studium: 'Medientechnisches Wissen: Mathematik, Physik, Chemie' (Amazon)
06.03.2020 Vortrag und Beobachtungen, 5. Klasse Erst-Haeckel-Gymnasium: 'Reise in das Universum'
19.02.2020 Vortrag und Fragestunde im St. Franziskus Seniorenpflegeheim: 'Unser Sonnensystem und das Universum'
23.01.2020 Vortrag und Fragestunde an der Grundschule Bornstedter Feld II: 'Jahreszeiten, Sonnensystem und die Milchstrasse'
21.01.2020 'A stellar census in globular clusters with MUSE -- Extending the CaT-metallicity relation ...' (preprint)
21.01.2020 Vortrag und Venus-Beobachtung mit Lehramtsstudierenden: 'Astronomie in Potsdam'
21.11.2019 'MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) IV: A two sightline tomography of a galactic wind' (preprint)
08.10.2019 'MUSEQuBES: Calibrating the redshifts of Lyman-α emitters using stacked circumgalactic medium absorption profiles' (preprint)
16.09.2019 'A stellar census in globular clusters with MUSE: A spectral catalogue of emission-line sources' (preprint)
13.09.2019 Schulvortrag: 'Astronomie in Potsdam'
13.09.2019 'Multiple populations chemistry in NGC 2808 ' (preprint)
11.09.2019 'A stellar census in globular clusters with MUSE: Binaries in NGC 3201' (preprint)
23.07.2019 'MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) III: galactic wind properties using background quasars' (preprint)
09.07.2019 'BlueMUSE: Project Overview and Science Cases' (white paper)
01.07.2019 'Mapping the ISM with BlueMUSE' (Proceedings ESO VLT2030)
01.06.2019 'Discovery of an old nova remnant in the Galactic globular cluster M 22' (A&A)
11.05.2019 Tag der Wissenschaften an der FH Potsdam, Vortrag: "Wo sind all die Sterne?"
30.03.2019 Eröffnung Sternwarte des Einstein-Gymnasiums Neuenhagen, Vortrag: "Reise ins Universum"
31.01.2019 'MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) II. A study of gas accretion around z≈1 star-forming galaxies with background quasars' (preprint)
14.01.2019 'Characterizing circumgalactic gas around massive ellipticals at z~0.4 III. The galactic environment of a chemically-pristine Lyman limit absorber' (preprint)
28.11.2018 'The large and small scale properties of the intergalactic gas in the Slug Ly-alpha nebula revealed by MUSE HeII emission observations' (preprint)
26.11.2018 'Galaxy and Quasar Fueling Caught in the Act from the Intragroup to the Interstellar Medium' (preprint)
01.10.2018 'Nearly all the sky is covered by Lyman-alpha emission around high redshift galaxies' (NATURE online)
14.08.2018 'Properties and redshift evolution of star-forming galaxies with high [OIII]/[OII] ratios with MUSE' (preprint)
01.07.2018 'Diffuse interstellar bands λ5780 and λ5797 in the Antennae Galaxy as seen by MUSE' (A&A)
25.05.2018 'Dark Galaxy Candidates at Redshift ~3.5 Detected with MUSE' (APJ)
05.05.2018 Talk, 'Wo sind all die Sterne?', Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaften
01.04.2018 'Lyman-continuum leakage as dominant source of diffuse ionized gas in the Antennae galaxy' (A&A)
01.03.2018 'Picture of the month' in AstroPAH, issue #46 (PDF)
01.02.2018 'A stellar census in globular clusters with MUSE: The contribution of rotation to cluster dynamics studied with 200 000 stars' (MNRAS)
12.12.2017 'On the Origin of Diffuse Ionized Gas in the Antennae Galaxy' (preprint)
01.11.2017 'Mapping diffuse interstellar bands in the local ISM on small scales via MUSE 3D spectroscopy' (A&A)
26.10.2017 'Picture of the month' in AstroPAH, issue #42 (PDF)
22.09.2017 'Multiple origins for the DLA at zabs=0.313 toward PKS 1127-145 indicated by a complex dust depletion pattern of Ca, Ti, and Mn' (preprint)
11.09.2017 'Dark Galaxy Candidates at Redshift ~3.5 Detected with MUSE' (preprint)
26.01.2017 'Galactic Winds with MUSE: A Direct Detection of FeII* Emission from a z = 1.29 Galaxy' (preprint)
21.11.2016 'An HST/COS legacy survey of high-velocity ultraviolet absorption in the Milky Way's circumgalactic medium and the Local Group' (preprint)
04.07.2016 Talk, EWASS: 'Mapping Diffuse Interstellar Bands on small scales via MUSE 3D spectroscopy in crowded fields.'
01.06.2016 'A Stellar Census in NGC 6397 with MUSE' (ESO Messenger)
27.05.2016 'Observations of metals in the z~3.5 intergalactic medium and comparison to the EAGLE simulations' (MNRAS)
11.05.2016 'MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) I: First MUSE results on background quasars' (ApJ)
01.04.2016 Talk, BHB-Sternwarte: 'Naturkonstanten, wie konstant sind sie wirklich?'
04.02.2016 'MUSE crowded field 3D spectroscopy of over 12,000 stars in the globular cluster NGC 6397 - Paper II.' (A&A)
04.02.2016 'MUSE crowded field 3D spectroscopy of over 12,000 stars in the globular cluster NGC 6397 - Paper I.' (A&A)
29.01.2016 Seminar talk at the DESY/Zeuthen:'Structures in the interstellar medium'
27.01.2016 'Possible Signatures of a Cold-Flow Disk from MUSE...' (ApJ)
01.12.2015 'The Central Orion Nebula (M42) as seen by MUSE' (The ESO Messenger No.162)
02.11.2015 Talk, MUSE Tagung: 'GCs: ISM and DIBs in absorption'
17.09.2015 'Extended Lyman alpha haloes around individual high-redshift galaxies revealed by MUSE' (preprint, accepted by A&A)
16.07.2015 Talk, Astrophysikalisches Kolloquium Goettingen: 'Spatially resolved ISM and DIBs with MUSE'
25.06.2015 Talk, EWASS2015: 'Small scale structure in interstellar DIBs seen with MUSE integral-field spectroscopy'
30.05.2015 'A MUSE map of the central Orion Nebula (M 42)'(preprint)
26.02.2015 'Towards DIB mapping in galaxies beyond 100 Mpc. A radial profile of the 5780.5 diffuse interstellar band in AM 1353-272 B'(preprint)
20.02.2015 Talk, Potsdam-Berlin Kolloquium: 'IGM, ISM and DIBs in absorption'
05.09.2014 'The UVES Large Program for testing fundamental physics - III. Constraints on the fine-structure constant from 3 telescopes.(preprint)
13.05.2014 'Constraints of Delta mu /mu based on H_2 observations in QSO spectra at high redshifts.(MmSAI Vol.85, 78)
13.05.2014 'The UVES large program for testing fundamental physics II: constraints Delta mu /mu towards quasar HE 0027 - 1836.(MmSAI Vol.85, 70)
13.05.2014 'Bounds on a change in alpha towards HE 2217-2818. (MmSAI Vol.85, 63)
24.01.2014 Talk, Tu-Berlin, ZAA: 'Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe': 'Molecular Hydrogen and the latest Bounds on the Variation of the Proton-to-Electron Mass
10.01.2014 'Fundamental constants and high resolution spectroscopy' (AN Vol.335, 83)
10.01.2014 'Constraints on variations of m_p/m_e based on UVES observations of H_2' (AN Vol.335, 106)
27.11.2013 to appear in Mem.S.A.It.Vol75: 'Constraints of delta mp/me based on H2 observations in QSO spectra at high redshifts ' (preprint)
30.10.2013 to appear in Astronomische Nachrichten: 'Constraints on variations of mp/me based on UVES observations of H2' (preprint)
25.10.2013 Seminar talk at the Szczecin Cosmology Group: 'Current bounds on the variation of proton to electron mass ratio' (link)
23.10.2013 to appear in Astronomische Nachrichten: 'Fundamental constants and high resolution spectroscopy' (preprint)
01.10.2013 'The UVES Large Program for Testing Fundamental Physics II: Constraints on a Change in mu Towards Quasar HE 0027-1836' (MNRAS Vol.435, 861)
22.07.2013 to appear in MNRAS: 'The UVES Large Program for Testing Fundamental Physics II: Constraints on a Change in mu Towards Quasar HE 0027-1836' (preprint)
10.07.2013 Talk, Sesto: 'Current and future limits of QSO analysis' PDF
27.05.2013 Astroseminar talk: 'Science with MUSE - the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer'
03.05.2013 'The UVES Large Program for Testing Fundamental Physics: I Bounds on a change in alpha towards quasar HE 2217-281' (A&A Vol.541, A69)
03.05.2013 Talk, Leibniz-Kolleg 'Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe': 'Fundamental Physics from QSO Absorption Lines' (link)
18.01.2013 Organisation of the first Potsdam-Berlin Kolloquium: Pictures.
27.09.2012 Talk, AG-Tagung Hamburg: 'Molecular Hydrogen at high redshifts - a rare tracer of physical conditions and constants'
30.04.2012 'QSO 0347-383 and the invariance of m_p/m_e in the course of cosmic time'
(A&A Vol.541, A69)
14.03.2012 to appear in A&A: 'QSO 0347-383 and the invariance of m_p/m_e in the course of cosmic time'
18.07.2011 Talk, ACFC, Bad Honnef: 'Cosmological limits on the variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio in 2011'
23.05.2011 Astroseminar talk: 'Varying fundamental `constants` in the Universe'
26.02.2011 SFB 676 BlockMeeting: 'Limits on the variation of constants in 2011'
04.01.2011 'Robust Limit on a varying proton-to-electron mass ratio from a single H2 system'
(A&A Vol.526, A96)
07.11.2010 Workshop at the IAP in Paris: 'Limits on the variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio in 2010'
05.11.2010 Phd. thesis print version:
03.11.2010 Semiar talk at the AIP in Potsdam: 'Variability of fundamental physical constants on cosmological scales'
16.09.2010 to appear in A&A: 'Robust Limit on a varying proton-to-electron mass ratio from a single H2 system'
07.09.2010 JENAM conference talk: 'Robust Limit on a varying proton-to-electron mass ratio from a single H2 system' (Proceedings)
22.07.2010 PhD. defense talk: 'Probing cosmological variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio
by means of quasar absorption spectra'
30.06.2010 SFB Colloquium: 'Probing cosmological variation of
undamental physical constants by eans of quasar absorption spectra'
04.06.2010 PhD. thesis: 'Probing cosmological variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio
by means of quasar absorption spectra' (PDF)
24.03.2010 SFB Block meeting: 'Detecting variation of fundamental constants - challenge and risks'
08.03.2010 DPG Spring Meeting 2010: 'Variability of the proton-to-electon mass ratio on cosmological scales
-- Quantification and handling of systematics'
27.10.2009 IAU Proceedings 2009: 'Cosmological observations to shed light on possible variations - expectations, limitations and status quo' (PDF)/(MmSAI)/Highlights of Astronomy
12.08.2009 IAU General Assembly 2009 in Rio: 'Limits on precision of dmu - the question of self consistency'
03.03.2009 SFB Meeting at Hamburger Sternwarte: 'Cosmological observations to shed light on possible variations'
03.07.2008 Seminar at Hamburger Sternwarte: 'The ongoing quest for variation of the fundamental physical constants'
14.02.2008 Talk Collaborative Research Centre, Zeuthen: 'The ongoing quest for variation of the fundamental physical constants'
08.02.2008 ACFC Proceedings: 'Variability of the proton-to-electron mass ratio on cosmological scales' (PDF)/(EPJ)
28.11.2007 Talk, Trieste: 'Variability of the proton-to-electron mass ratio on cosmological scales - methods and shortcomings'
05.06.2007 Talk, ACFC, Bad Honnef: 'Variability of the proton-to-electron mass ratio on cosmological scales'
19.09.2006 Diploma Thesis: 'Testing cosmological variability of the proton-to-electron
mass ratio on the basis of the spectrum of Q0347-383' (PDF)
-- Summer 2022:
Lecture: Absorption spectroscopy(EN)
Lecture: Struktur des Kosmos, Lehramt
Lecture: Kosmische Distanzen
Lecture: Software Tools for Astronomers (EN)
-- Winter 2021/2022:
Lecture: Distance determinations (EN)
Lecture: Struktur des Kosmos, Lehramt
Lecture: Laboruebung "arXiv, LaTeX und Konsorten"
Lecture: Software Tools for Astronomers (EN)
-- Summer 2021:
Lecture: Absorption spectroscopy(EN)
Lecture: Kosmische Distanzen
Lecture: Software Tools for Astronomers (EN)
-- Winter 2020/2021:
Lecture: Distance determinations (EN) [online]
Lecture: Applied statistics in astrophysics (EN) [online]
Lecture: Laboruebung "arXiv, LaTeX und Konsorten" [online]
Lecture: Software Tools for Astronomers (EN) [online]
-- Summer 2020:
Lab course Astrophysics (EN) [online]
Astronomie im Praktikum [online]
Distance determinations [online] (evaluiert)
-- Winter 2019/2020:
Lecture: Applied statistics in astrophysics (EN)
Astronomie im Praktikum
Lab course Astrophysics (EN)
Lecture: Laboruebung "arXiv, LaTeX und Konsorten" (evaluiert)
-- Summer 2019:
Lecture: Grundkurs Astrophysik II (evaluiert)
Lab Course Astrophysics (EN)
-- Winter 2018/2019:
Lecture: Applied statistics in astrophysics (EN)
Lecture: Laboruebung "arXiv, LaTeX und Konsorten"
-- Summer 2018:
Lecture: Absorption spectroscopy (EN) (evaluiert)
-- Winter 2017/2018:
Lecture: Applied statistics in astrophysics (EN)
Lecture: Laboruebung "arXiv, LaTeX und Konsorten"
-- Summer 2017:
Lecture: Absorption spectroscopy (EN) (evaluiert)
Exercises: Grundkurs Astrophysik II
-- Winter 2016/2017:
Lecture: Applied statistics in astrophysics (EN) (evaluiert)
Lecture: Laboruebung "arXiv, LaTeX und Konsorten" (evaluiert)
Exercises: Grundkurs Astrophysik I (evaluiert)
-- Summer 2016:
Lecture: Statistische Methoden und ihre Anwendung
Exercises: Grundkurs Astrophysik II
-- Winter 2015/2016:
Exercises: Grundkurs Astrophysik I
Lecture: Computerpraktikum
-- Summer 2015:
Lecture: Einfuehrung in die Astronomie II (evaluiert)
-- Winter 2014/2015:
Lecture: Einfuehrung in die Astronomie I (evaluiert)
Lecture: Computerpraktikum
-- Summer 2014:
Lecture: Statistische Methoden und ihre Anwendung
Forschungsseminar: Extragalaktische Astrophysik
-- Winter 2013/2014:
Lecture: Absorptionsspektren von Quasaren
Lecture: Computerpraktikum
-- Summer 2013:
Spezialseminar zur Astrophysik
Forschungsseminar: Extragalaktische Astrophysik
Exercises: Einfuehrung in die Astronomie II
-- Winter 2012/2013:
Statistische Methoden und ihre Anwendung (evaluiert)
Exercises: Experimentalphysik I fuer Geooekologie und Geowissenschaften
-- Summer 2012:
Oberseminar: Extragalaktische Astrophysik
Exercises: Experimentalphysik II fuer Bio- und Ernaehrungswissenschaften
-- Winter 2011/12:
Exercises: Experimentalphysik I fuer Geooekologie und Geowissenschaften
Astrophysikalisches Praktikum